Michele Brooks (nee Bates) has been practising as a lawyer exclusively in Family Law since 1997. Prior to coming to the Bar in 2006, Michele was a partner at Harwood Andrews Lawyers, based in Melbourne and Geelong. Michele worked as a family law solicitor for 10 years prior to being called to the Bar, during which time she regularly appeared as a solicitor advocate. Since 2006, Michele has been a Barrister specialising in family law.
Michele has expertise in all areas of family law litigation. Michele accepts briefs to appear in Court Hearings, Mediations (as Mediator and Counsel/advocate), to prepare Advices, draft Documents and Confer/Advise with clients and solicitors in a wide range of family law matters.
Michele is a Nationally Accredited Mediator (NMAS) with a special interest in Alternative Dispute Resolution in family law. Michele is also a Victorian Bar Accredited Advanced Mediator (VBAM). She is frequently appointed as a court-ordered Mediator to assist parties in resolving their Family Law disputes.
Michele is available through her clerk Foley's List Pty Ltd to accept appointments as a Court Ordered Mediator in all family law matters and also in Pre-Action Mediations (as well as briefs to appear as Counsel). Michele conducts mediations at Owen Dixon Chambers, via Zoom, in FCFCOA Circuit locations, at solicitors’ offices or at any other mutually convenient venue chosen by the parties and their solicitors.
As a family lawyer, litigator, mediator and arbitrator, Michele has 28 years’ experience working with people going through a most difficult time in their lives. She is passionate about using her expertise to assist parties to resolve their disputes in a dignified and timely way, and to avoid the stress and cost of unnecessarily prolonged litigation.
Michele is also a nationally certified Family Law Arbitrator under Regulation 67B of the Family Law Regulations 1984, by the Australian Institute of Family Law Arbitrators and Mediators (AIFLAM).
Michele regularly assists the Australian Institute of Family Law Mediators and Arbitrators (AIFLAM) in delivering its training and accreditation programs, in the role of Mediation Coach and Assessor, for lawyers seeking National Accreditation as a Mediator.
ADJUNCT LECTURER - Master of Applied Law (Family Law) – College of Law
Michele has for over a decade (since 2013) been employed as an Adjunct Lecturer in the Masters of Applied Law (Family Law) course, at the College of Law. In addition to lecturing, Michele has been employed by the College in the past to create curriculum and assessment content and update lecturing materials for the Masters Course. Michele has also presented numerous workshops and webinars for College of Law.
Michele prides herself on being thorough, proactive and straightforward in all her professional dealings.
Michele has extensive experience and expertise across the following areas of family law:
Children’s welfare disputes including:
Division of property after relationship breakdown including:
Division of income and financial resources after relationship breakdown including:
Author of various newspaper articles, brochures and booklets in relation to family law including the following legal papers delivered (see links in “Publications”):
TRIBUNAL MEMBER - University of Melbourne Grievance Tribunal
Michele was appointed by the Students' Council of Melbourne University as a member of the University Student Union (UMSU) Grievance Tribunal for 2013. The Tribunal hears and resolves disputes between student members whenever they arise.
Michele has been actively involved in the family law community for 28 years: