Victorian Bar Entrance Exam

To become a member of the Victorian Bar, applicants must successfully complete a Bar Entrance Exam, meet the fit and proper requirements to be eligible for a place offer in the Bar Readers' Course and Read with a mentor.

2024 Victorian Bar Entrance Exam -                                 Sunday, 13 October 2024

The 2024 Victorian Bar Entrance Exam will be held on Sunday, 13 October 2024, at the Moonee Valley Racing Club, in Moonee Ponds.

This Exam will be the first to be conducted in the new format approved by the Bar Council at a Special Purpose meeting on 26 March 2024.  This new format includes:

  • the Exam will comprise of three separate papers (exam components) - Ethics, Evidence and Civil or Criminal Procedure;
  • candidates to elect either a Civil or Criminal stream;
  • candidates will be required to pass all three exam components;
  • the minimum pass mark required for each exam component is 75%;
  • introduction of a "Permitted Exam Period" that commences on the first occasion a candidate sits any one of the three components and expires on the third occasion thereafter that a Bar Exam is conducted;
  • candidates will be given a credit for any exam component they pass and have the opportunity to resit any failed component with a "Permitted Exam Period"
  • candidates can elect which and how many exam components they sit but must have sat and passed all three exam components (Ethics, Evidence and Civil or Criminal Procedure) within the "Permitted Exam Period";  
  • conduct the Exam twice annually, with sittings held approximately every six months;
  • return to in-person delivery of the Bar Entrance Exam.


To gain admission to the Victorian Bar Readers' Course, candidates must first sit and pass all three exam components referred to above and meet the suitability requirements. 

Successful candidates are offered a place in the Readers' Course as per Regulation 6(7) of the Victorian Bar Application and Reading Regulations (Regulations).

Candidates should read the Victorian Bar Exam Information Guide, which includes the Exam Rules and Conditions, before deciding whether to register to sit the exam on 13 October.

Registration is now open to sit the 2024 Victorian Bar Entrance Exam.  Please follow this LINK to complete your online registration application.  Registration will close at midnight on Sunday, 1 September 2024Registration after this date will not be available.

Candidates are also referred to the following important documentation:

The Chief Examiner's Exam Information Seminar was held on 13 August 2024 at 4.45pm. The recording is now available to view below under Exam Information Seminar.

The next webinar titled "Hear from past exam candidates" is scheduled on Thursday, 29 August 2024 at 5.15pm. To register for this webinar please CLICK HERE.

About the Exam


To be eligible to undertake the Entrance Exam a candidate must:

  • be admitted as an Australian Lawyer, or expect on reasonable grounds to become an Australian Lawyer by the time he or she signs the Bar Roll;
  • be of fit and proper standing, (refer to Victorian Legal Services Board’s Fit and Proper Person Policy);
  • be available and willing to undertake either of the next two Victorian Bar Readers’ Courses immediately following successfully passing all three component parts of the Exam;     
  • be prepared to read with an eligible mentor for up to 12 months commencing on Day 1 of the Readers’ Course;
  • agree to the Exam Rules and Conditions; and
  • register and pay the Exam registration fee (non-refundable) which is set out in the Victorian Bar Exam Information Guide.
  • Candidates should consult the Victorian Bar Exam Candidate Information Guide and the Victorian Bar Application and Reading Regulations (Regulations) for further information about eligibility to undertake the Exam and to apply to become a member of the Victorian Bar. Please note that the Application and Reading Regulations are currently under review and subject to change.
Important Dates




   2024 September Readers’ Course

22 August – 17 October 2024





Indicative Dates (TBC)


    May 2025

    Bar Entrance Examination

    3 March 2025 – 10 April 2025

    2025 March Readers’ Course

    18 August 2025 – 25 September 2025

    2025 August Readers’ Course

    October 2025

    Bar Entrance Examination

Exam Registration

Registration to sit the Exam on 13 October is now open. 

Registration will close at midnight on Sunday, 1 September 2024.  Late registration is not permitted.

Exam Information Seminar

The Chief Examiner's Exam Information Seminar was held on 13 August 2024 at 4.45pm

Preparing for the Exam

Please refer to the Victorian Bar Exam Information Guide.

Exam Materials and Resources

Registered candidates will receive a registration confirmation which include a link to the Entrance Exam Candidate Google Drive.  Otherwise, please refer to the Victorian Bar Exam Information Guide which provides further information.

Alternative Sitting Arrangements

In extenuating circumstances, candidates may apply for Alternative Sitting Arrangements. This is for special requests that apply during the exam.

Information on Alternative Sitting Arrangement applications is available in the Victorian Bar Entrance Exam Policy.

Special Consideration Applications

An applicant who registers to sit the Exam and who considers that their result in the Exam may be affected, or has been affected, by illness, injury, bereavement or other hardship, may make an Application for Special Consideration.

Information on Special Consideration applications is available in the Victorian Bar Entrance Exam Policy.

What happens after I sit the Exam?

Approximately 8 weeks after the Exam, you will be notified of your result by email.

The number of participants in each Readers’ Course is limited to 60 people. Successful candidates may receive an offer to commence the next Readers' Course or may be required to submit a preference of course intake. 

General feedback regarding the Exam is provided to all unsuccessful candidates in the form of selected model answers.  These will be made available after results are finalised.  Candidates will not be provided with any completed exam component.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I sit the exam if I am overseas or interstate?
Information on Overseas or Interstate applications is available in the Victorian Bar Entrance Exam Policy.

I would prefer to sit exam papers on different dates - how far apart are they [the Exam] spaced?
There will be one Exam in 2024 on 13 October 2024 and thereafter two Exams annually around April/May and October.  Candidates must pass all three papers in the 'Permitted Exam Period' to gain admission to the Readers' Course.  Please refer to the Entrance Exam Information Guide.

What time commitment is required to study for the exam?
This will vary between individual candidates and is dependent on the individual’s study habits and techniques. It is anticipated that the new Entrance Exam standard and format will mean that less study is required.

Can I use a secondary electronic device such as a timer or additional screen during the exam?
No. You are permitted to use only the electronic device you use for the exam, and you are strictly prohibited from using any additional electronic devices including an additional screen.

Will I be able to charge by laptop during the exam?
Yes.  All candidates will have access to a powerboard on their exam table to keep their device fully charged throughout the day of the Exam.  

Can I use ear buds or head phones?
No.  Ear buds, head phones or ear phones or anything that covers your ears is strictly prohibited.

Do I need to have a stable internet connection throughout the exam?
No.  There is no need to access the internet during the exam. The Examplify program will block internet access on the examinee's device once the exam begins until completion. Internet connection is required after each exam component has been completed for uploading.  Access to the internet will be provided at the designated exam venue.

Can I print the Exam Reading Guide materials?
Prior to the exam, candidates may choose to print any of the Reading Guide materials to bring into the exam. You may print and prepare any hard copy materials you wish to bring into the exam room with you. This includes any notes, textbooks, printouts etc.  You cannot print during any exam component and  printed copies of the exam components will not be provided to candidates.

How is cheating detected?
The Exam will be invigilated.  Examinees will log in to each exam component through ExamID and verify their identity. During the exam, the Examplify software locks the candidate’s device so the exam can be completed while all other software, files and features are disabled. 

Candidates who gain approval to sit the Exam remotely will be required to use ExamMonitor which captures a continuous audio and video recording of the examinee using both webcam and screen capture (no WiFi connection is required).

All suspicious behaviour will be reviewed and dealt with by the Victorian Bar. The Victorian Bar has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating, and candidates who engage in cheating will be disqualified from the Exam and may face additional consequences including possible reporting to relevant bodies for professional misconduct.

ExamSoft program offers military-grade exam proctoring and security services.

How much does the Readers Course cost?
The Readers' Course fee in 2024 and 2025 is $7,000 (GST inclusive).  The Course fee is subject to change.

What financial factors should I consider before coming to the Bar?
Being a barrister can be an incredibly rewarding career when lawyers commence their own practice as sole traders. Successful candidates are required to surrender their current practising certificate (if they have one) prior to commencing the Readers' Course. 

When are exams set for the following year?
Exams for each year will be confirmed late in the preceding year.  Exams will be held twice annually commencing in 2025.

Exam Webinar