Amanda has a particular expertise in occupational health and safety and a broad practice in regulatory, criminal, disciplinary and associated matters. She is available to take briefs for appearance and advice work in these and associated areas of practice.
She is an experienced advocate having appeared in all Victorian jurisdictions as well as inquests, VCAT and disciplinary tribunals. She has represented corporations, individuals and statutory bodies. She has also appeared in other Australian jurisdictions.
Amanda has significant experience in the area of regulatory investigation, disciplinary processes and associated litigation. Prior to coming to the Bar, Amanda was a lead lawyer at Worksafe managing the prosecutions and providing investigative advice in relation to workplace fatalities and significant cases.
Prior to this Amanda was a Principal Solicitor at the VGSO and performed duties as a police prosecutor for 9 years, involved in contested criminal and intervention order hearings. She contributed to the training of police prosecutors and the management of police civil litigation files including inquests.
Amanda is a member of the Victorian racing Tribunal and was previously a sessional member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal