Chris accepts briefs in Family Law, Criminal Law and Intervention Order matters.
Family Law
Chris has developed a strong family law practice, he regularly appears in Family Law matters in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, relating to both property and parenting. He has appeared in matters ranging from Family Dispute Resolution through to conciliation conferences, private mediation and trial. He has a particular passion for the resolution of matters through mediation. He has been briefed for trial in parenting matters involving relocation issues and significant family violence. He has also appeared at trial where property is in issue, including matters involving multiple parties and complex issues.
Chris is an NMAS accredited mediator and a member of the Australian Institute of Family Law Arbitrators and Mediators. Chris is a member of the Family Law Bar Association.
Criminal Law
Since coming to the bar Chris predominantly acts for the defence. Chris has a background as a Senior Prosecutor and Senior Detective within a 15-year career at Victoria Police. He has run numerous contested hearings in a broad range of offences. He has defended and prosecuted in matters including sexual assaults, family violence, fraud and traffic related matters including drink driving. He has appeared in the County Court in matters ranging from armed robbery and aggravated burglary through to appealed intervention orders. He has appeared, unled, in the Supreme Court and before the full bench of the Supreme Court of Appeal.
Chris held a statutory appointment as Chairperson of the Firearms Appeals Committee until August 2024. The focus of the committee is to review decisions of Chief Commissioner of Police where the Firearms Act 1996 (Vic) provides a right of review.
Intervention Orders
Chris is able to bring his experience in the Magistrates' Court and the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia to this area of law. He understands the relationship between this jurisdiction and the family law jurisdiction. He is able to negotiate parenting agreements where possible and give clients thorough advice on how to navigate this emotionally charged area so as to achieve the best result for their individual circumstances. Chris has significant experience in appearing for both applicants and respondents in this jurisdiction under both the Family Violence Protection Act and the Personal Safety Intervention Order Act. He has appeared in multi-day contested hearings and appeals to the County Court. He also regularly negotiates a sensible resolution to matters.
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