Division of Bar Roll:
Victorian Practising Counsel
Profile Stephen came to the Bar in May 2005 with the benefit of 10 years experience in practice as a solicitor. His experience includes over 4 years as a solicitor in private practice specializing in insolvency and commercial litigation as well as 6 months working in insolvency for a large United Kingdom firm. Stephen also spent four years at Deacons where he was a Senior Associate specializing in construction and engineering litigation. Immediately prior to coming to the Bar Stephen spent 18 months at ASIC where he was the senior lawyer in its recently formed National Insolvency Coordination Unit. At ASIC and in private practice, Stephen has enjoyed working closely with members of the insolvency profession. Stephen has a keen interest in both insolvency and Corporations Act matters, and in construction and engineering disputes. He is experienced in the conduct of commercial litigation in all Courts and Tribunals, and in commercial arbitrations. At the Bar Stephen intends to practice generally in the area of commercial litigation with a particular focus upon corporate and personal insolvency, Corporations Act matters, matters concerning ASIC and other regulatory bodies, and construction and engineering disputes. Stephen appeared as sole counsel for the successful respondent before the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Victoria in Emhill Pty Ltd v Bonsoc Pty Ltd [2005] VSCA 239; a case concerning the modes of service of documents on companies and the interpretation of section 109X of the Corporations Act 2001.
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