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James Catlin specialises in commercial, employment and estate litigation with particular expertise in fraud, defamation and protected disclosures (whistleblowing) over 18 years at the Victorian Bar. Immediately prior to joining the Bar, James was Associate to a County Court Judge for a year and a half. In addition to working as a solicitor, he has worked as a finance journalist for the Herald and Weekly Times and Fairfax publishers, giving him an excellent understanding of the language and needs of commercial clients. He has been Counsel in a number of high profile cases.
He was a Press Secretary and Advisor on Premier Kennett’s staff. This experience gives him a unique insight into media law and litigation involving government. His range of experience gives him the ability to comprehend a wide variety of factual and tactical issues.
James is Chairman of Blueprint for Freespeech, a not for profit research organisation which conducts research and publishes best practice legislation in areas such as whistleblowing and freedom of speech.
James interviewed 12 high profile whistleblowers in the UK during July 2013 as part of Blueprint’s empirical research and co-wrote Blueprint’s submissions to the UK House of Commons review of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998: see Blue Print For Free Speech. He recently was the lead writer on the Victorian Parliamentary IBAC committee’s review of the Victorian Protected Disclosure Act.
He appears in all courts in all States of Australia.