David Gilbertson practises in all areas of administrative, commercial, corporations, media and defamation law.
His corporations law practice includes market-related matters, such as insider trading and market manipulation, and schemes of arrangement.
David Gilbertson has an extensive practice in media and defamation law. As well as plaintiffs, he has acted for most of the large media outlets and several book publishers in Australia.
- Administrative Law
- Commercial Law
- Corporations
- Contempt
- Contract Disputes
- Defamation, Media, Entertainment
- Suppression Orders
- Government Inquiries
- Mediation
- Trade Practices, Consumer Protection
Metcalf v Wellington [2024] VSCA 147
Tziotzis v Nine Entertainment Co Pty Ltd [2024] VSC 203
Pavlovic & Anor v Karzon [2023] QCA 37
Google LLC v Defteros [2022] HCA 27
Wellington v Metcalf [2022] VCC 1759
Gatto v Australian Broadcasting Corporation [2022] VSCA 66
Fa'atuatua i Le Atua Ua Tasi (FAST) v Maglielegaoi [2022] WSSC 7 (Supreme Court of Samoa)
Defteros v Google LLC [2021] VSCA 167
Lennon v Herald & Weekly Times Limited [2021] VSC 147
Cossari v Wells [2020] VSCA 133
Knight v Ippoliti [2020] VSC 286
Sophie Mirabella v Libby Price & Benalla Newspapers Pty Ltd [2018] VCC 650
Canberra Greyhound Racing Club Inc v Planning and Land Authority of the Australian Capital Territory [2018] ACTSC 25
Sheales v The Age [2017] VSC 380
Ah Choo Teo v Pacific Media Group [2016] VSC 626
Kim Duthie v Ricky Nixon [2015] VSC 672
Vakras v Cripps [2015] VSCA 193
Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water Corporation v Di Masi, Belbin and Marciano [2014] VSCA 104
The Queen v Hinch [2013] VSC 520
Crisp v Fairfax Media Ltd & Ors [2012] VSC 615
Belbin v Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water Corporation [2012] VSC 535
Reynolds v Nationwide News Pty Ltd [2012] VSC 226
Catena v Australian Securities and Investments Commission (2011) 276 ALR 25
Rosenberg v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2010] AATA 654
Re Plantic Technologies [2010] VSC 484
Re Plantic Technologies Ltd (No 2) [2010] VSC 554
JTMJ v Australian Securities and Investment Commission (2010) 115 ALD 682
YFFM v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2010] AATA 340
Chair, Media & Communications Committee, Victorian Commercial Bar Association