Reform of the Victorian Human Rights Charter: What needs to change?


Charter enthusiasts, Charter sceptics and regular users of the Charter are invited to an evening of Charter trivia, discussion of the Charter’s flaws and what should be done about them.

Your hosts will be Rob Hulls, the Attorney General who introduced the Charter in 2006, and the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner – Ro Allen – along with Quizmaster Elizabeth Bennett S.C. and Charter specialist Sarala Fitzgerald.

We will be joined by Charter academics Dr Julie Debeljak and Dr Bruce Chen, and the Honourable Pamela Tate AM KC, who was Solicitor-General for the State of Victoria when the Charter was introduced. The event will be fully interactive, and will draw on the knowledge and experience of all attendees.

Reform of the Charter is a major item on the VEOHRC’s agenda. This evening will provide attendees with direct input into the changes that the Commission will be advocating for in order to have a more effective Charter.

The night is also an opportunity for the VEOHRC to gain firsthand insights from users of the Charter, and to understand the problems faced when litigating Charter rights using the current mechanisms.

Complain about the Charter no longer! Come along and contribute to Charter reform.

Tickets can be purchased here.