Vicarious trauma in Legal Practice


Vicarious trauma is a growing problem for lawyers, judges and others in the legal profession who are dealing with vulnerable citizens in the course of their work. It’s important to be able to recognise the signs of trauma exposure and to know how to respond – both for yourself, your colleagues and your clients. Trauma-informed best-practice can make it easier to navigate the emotional, mental and physical responses to traumatic events.

Over her 35 year career in Australia, Canada, Russia and South East Asia Karen has pretty much seen it all – bushfires, floods, protests, violence, a military coup, political corruption, courts and crime – dealing with people at some of the lowest and most difficult times of their lives. She’s a passionate advocate for taking a trauma-informed approach when dealing with survivors, victims of crime, their families and friends, and others.

Karen is a freelance reporter after leaving the ABC in September 2020. She’s also Chair of the Dart Centre Asia-Pacific which focuses on trauma in journalism.

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