Ethics Refresher – Common problems and how the Ethics Committee can help


Here is a chance to get your essential Ethics CPD point for this CPD year!

Abiding by ethical obligations is a requirement of professional practice and essential to the administration of justice and, not least, preserving your reputation. 

This session, to be presented by members of the Ethics Committee, aims to remind practitioners of important ethical obligations.  The panellists have identified some ethical dilemmas experienced by barristers and will provide some practical guidance as to how you can resolve such dilemmas or avoid them in the first place.

The seminar will also revisit how to seek a resolution or guidance from the Ethics Committee as well as how, when and why barristers may wish to engage the Bar’s grievance procedure.

The seminar will also provide an opportunity to raise any general ethical issues faced by counsel.

Joining the Webinar


This is an online only event.
