Civil penalty proceedings: perspectives from the Bar and the Bench


Civil penalty proceedings are an increasingly common feature of modern legal practice, but they are notably distinct from other forms of litigation, both civil and criminal.  Despite this, there is little specific commentary on this area.

This presentation is aimed at bringing together some practical perspectives on civil penalty proceedings, from experienced barristers and an experienced Federal Court judge.

After some introductory remarks from the Chair, the first part of this seminar will feature practical insight by Matthew Peckham and Penny Neskovcin KC into certain matters dealing with the contravention phase and the penalty phase.  A detailed and helpful paper will also be distributed.

The second part is a Q&A style panel discussion between his Honour Justice Middleton of the Federal Court and the rest of the Panel.  Questions from the audience are also encouraged.


This is an in-person event only and the session will not be recorded.

Please note that the venue has changed.

NEW VENUE: RACV City Club, Level 2, Pavilion Room, 501 Bourke Street
