Victorian Bar Policies


The Victorian Bar Council supports a fair, equitable, dynamic, inclusive and diverse Bar which continues to attract and retain the best talent, male and female. One way it does this is by actively promoting the aims of the  National Model Gender Equitable Briefing Policy (Policy), launched by the Law Council of Australia (LCA) in June 2016 and formally endorsed by the Victorian Bar. The aims of the Policy are to achieve a nationally consistent approach towards bringing about cultural and attitudinal change within the legal profession with respect to gender briefing practices, so as to maximise choices for legal practitioners and their clients, promote the full use of the independent Bar and optimise opportunities for practice development of all barristers. The Victorian Bar has also adopted the LCA’s Diversity and Equality Charter

Adopt the Policy

You can be involved in these endeavours. The Policy is available for adoption by all barristers. By adopting the Policy, you can demonstrate to your colleagues at the Bar and across the wider profession your support for the aims of the Policy and, through those aims, the continued excellence of the Bar. We encourage you to adopt the Policy by completing the form at the LCA website. 


The Victorian Bar is committed to promoting equality and diversity in the legal profession. This commitment is consistent with the principles of justice, integrity, equality and the pursuit of excellence upon which the Bar is founded.

As part of its commitment to promoting equality and diversity, the Bar affirms the goals set out in its Equality and diversity policy. 



The Victorian Bar is committed to providing a working environment where barristers and those engaging with barristers can conduct themselves free from bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment. The principles on which the Bar is founded demand respectful behaviour by members of the Bar.

Below are links to the Bar’s policies against  Sexual Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination. They deal with the Bar’s stance in relation to this conduct, and the Bar’s processes for reporting or making a complaint regarding instances of sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination.


Judicial Conduct Policy

The Victorian Bar is committed to ensuring that members are treated appropriately at all times in their engagements with judicial officers. It engages openly and constructively with courts and tribunals to encourage maintenance of the highest standards of conduct by judicial officers.


Leasing and Sub-Leasing Chambers

BCL Chamber Rules of Occupancy

The BCL Chamber Rules of Occupancy can be viewed here.

Sub-licencing Chambers

If you are contemplating sharing or sub-licencing chambers while you are on parental leave you may place your details on the noticeboard by clicking here. You should not rely solely on the noticeboard for this purpose.

Once you have found a person who wants sub-licence or share your chambers, contact Chambers Management for details about making application to share or sub-licence. For those in BCL Chambers approval needs to be sought in the following ways:

Sub-licence – Send your request in writing, including the name of the proposed sub-lease tenant, the proposed timeframe and the reason for the sub-lease request, to
BCL Chambers
The request will then go before the Committee for approval.

Sharing – Complete the sharing application form on the BCL website.

Subsidised Chambers for Indigenous barristers

The Victorian Bar Council has a Subsidised chambers for Indigenous barristers policy to assist Indigenous barristers financially in the setting up phase of their professional careers.


Leave Policies

Defence Leave 

The Victorian Bar Council has a Defence Leave Policy intended to assist Reservists deployed to the Australian Defence Force for extended periods.

For information and assistance, please contact the Bar Office on 9225 7111.

Parental Leave 

The Victorian Bar Council has a Parental Leave Policy intended to assist those taking leave to care for children by reason of pregnancy or a child coming into their care and custody.

For information and assistance, please contact Mark Bryant, Manager, Finance and Membership at the Bar Office on 9225 7111.


Administrative Policies


The Victorian Bar Travel policy was introduced to benefit those undertaking representational activities for the benefit of the Victorian Bar. This policy establishes consistent guidelines and procedures for all travellers who incur expenses when engaged in business travel on behalf of the Bar and outlines the underwriting of certain expenses incurred by these representatives, as well as travel FBT liability.

Data breach response plan

The Bar is committed to preventing data breach occurrences and ensuring that proper procedures and clear lines of authority are in place in the event that the Bar experiences a data breach or suspects that a data breach has occurred. The Data breach response plan provides a clear process for effective co-ordination and management of data breaches.

Record management policy

The Bar recognises that the practice of record keeping is fundamental to good corporate governance. The Record management policy reflects the Bar’s commitment to best practice record keeping and sets out roles and responsibilities for management and supervision of records in line with current legislation.


Media and Public Statement Policies

Receiving and Responding to Media Enquiries Protocol

The purpose of The Victorian Bar Media Protocols is to coordinate media activity and to ensure that messages coming from any organisation or body are logical and for the most part consistent.

Public Spokespeople

The making of public statements can be a valuable means of promoting the interests of the Bar and its members, and of furthering respect for the rule of law and the administration of justice. Making public statements, however, also carries risks, including risks to the reputation and standing of the Bar, and to the cohesion of its members. The Public Statements Policy addresses public statements made on behalf of the Bar. The purpose of this policy is to:

  • identify who is authorised to speak publicly on behalf of the Bar;
  • identify appropriate forms of public engagement; and
  • set out guiding principles for ascertaining when it will be appropriate for the Bar to make public statements.


Practice Policies

Reserved Judgment Protocols

If a party or practitioner wishes to enquire about a delay in a Court or Tribunal delivering a reserved judgment in a case in which he or she is a party or acting, as the case may be, they can raise the matter with the President of the Victorian Bar Council. Please read the Reserved Judgement Protocol for details.


Conflict of Interest Policy

The Bar is committed to ensuring Bar Councillors and senior Bar Office staff act in the best interests of the Bar, and proactively address actual and potential conflicts of interest by identifying, declaring and actively managing such conflicts