​​​​​​​What Is The Spirit Of Sport?


The spirit of sport has been topical in recent months. The concept is at the heart of Olympism. However, is the ’spirit of sport' too vague to be meaningful - or legal? Can one have a winning culture and still leave room for the spirit of sport? Or is it an anachronistic concept honoured only in the breach? In this interactive session chaired by Ben Ihle, Natalie Hickey and Peter Agardy will consider this debate through the following topics:

  • How the spirit of sport finds expression in the World Anti-Doping Agency Code and anti-doping law generally.
  • Whether or not 'the spirit of sport’ and 'bringing the sport into disrepute’ are simply two sides of the same coin.
  • How ‘disrepute clauses’ are applied to curtail conduct in a range of sporting contexts, and whether reliance on them by sporting integrity tribunals has gone too far.
  • Resolving sporting disputes: Even though success in sport is measured by wins and losses, the limitations of an adversarial model, and the unifying role of ADR.
